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Old 03-27-2009, 11:17 PM   #1
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been laying low for a while

Painted the truck .98c x 25 cans from Lowes (flat black) of course sandpapaper spot putty and some glass filler for the door needed to be purchased.

The exhaust was much easier to tweak to perfection with the bed off...

Plenty of rust to supress..

The obligatory random engine shot

A really blurry before pic. Sorry

Looks better to me

This calls for a Mr. Horsepower vanity plate

Lastly, my favorite view of the truck from slightly above kinda crappy pic though

Picking up some 8" rally's tomorrow. New trim rings should be here later in the week. The wheels that are on it now will get a pair of slicks or drag radials.

The passenger side door I repaired a while back, and I think it came out pretty good.

It's far from perfect, but it's all I wanted to put into it at the moment.
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