That is actually a decent brand...or at least, it was a decent brand 10 yrs ago.
I'll have to be in the minority here and say cut the dash up.
I cut mine and I love it. I never plan on re-installing a crappy AM radio, I don't listen to AM radio and would rather gouge out my eyes than listen to staticy talk.
There are ways around it yes...glove box...way to dangerouse. If you don't believe me, go 60 MPH on the free way and try to just open the box. It can be done....but it is a life threatining decision.
There is the under dash deal like mentioned...but IMO (and that's all it is is MY opinion) that looks kinda crappy. kinda liek the wall mart tripple guage set with the two sided tape. A stereo should not be an after thought.
CD chaingers are great, but $500 (or what ever they cost) is a pretty good chunk of chainge.
So with all that said...I say cut the dash up already.
It's real simple....take the 'cage' and trace it out on the dash. You'll wanna line the top of the caige with the top opening. You'll see why once you draw it all up. Make sure you center it good too. The indentations for the 2 knobs will show just a little, but if you have it to one side more than the other, either you'll remember about it every time you turn on the tunes, or every single passenger will say something about it.
I found the best way to cut it up without even a scratch on teh surrounding area is to get a sharp hack saw blade, and hold it with some good vise grips.
Take your time, and check your work. Way
WAY better to cut it too small and have to trim it some more.