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Old 03-30-2009, 10:44 AM   #4
283 Drama Queen
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Re: The 283 Rebuild Begins

Got the wire looms back up (after cutting two full inches off the back station - that was running into the firewall) on the ‘283’ and the red Taylor wires look good.

Also completed plumbing my radiator catch bottle that I simply silicone’d to the radiator support sheet metal last weekend, as there was no real practical area to mount hardware and still have room for the new voltage regulator.

After setting for a week the coolant level was still at the same place, so my minor dripping problem seems to have been fixed.


Then it came time to install the hard stainless steel transmission cooler lines - and this was a major PITA!

The two front fittings didn’t bottom out all the way where they attach to the radiator and you can still shake the lines a little bit - which means they’ll leak like a stuck pig under pressure. I tightened these lines, using a slotted wrench, to the maximum I felt comfortable with - and I don’t want to push it any further. I took the three clasps off the assembly so I could jocky the fittings in at the transmission, but the geometry was off just enough so the fine threads wouldn’t start comfortably.

I gave up, went in the house, and assassinated a six’er of Coronas.

For about 12 years of my adult life I had a severe speech impediment.
My ex-wife never let me get a word in edgewise.
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