I had a 1977 K10 Silverado, and that thing just had a black cloud followin it and me since the day I purchased it. No matter how much care, and time I put into it. The dang thing would leave me hangin every step of the way.
Thinking back, here are a few things I can remember went wrong with it.
Engine #1 oil delivery somehow stopped to the cam area, and cam broke in 3 places.
Engine #2 Blown head gaskets
Engine #3 Harmonic balancer flew off, snapped off the crank snout.
Engine #4 Hydraulic snapped 2 rods. (Went through deep water, sucked in a gulp through the air cleaner) Engine only had a couple hundred miles on it.
HEI module died while I was 50 or so miles on the back roads, and while being towed back the the tailgate got caved in.
Countless alternaters, Header gaskets, batteries, oil leaks, and spark plug wires.
At least the rest of the drive train didn't give me any hassles.
The body had so much cancer, it was crazy how the fender and door skins stayed on. Maybe it was the gallon of bondo?
Sold the dang thing to a guy that just had to have it, he came to my house at night in the pouring rain. He bought it, and was thrilled. I was amazed, and happy it was gone!