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Old 04-01-2009, 02:06 AM   #8
spinning wheels
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Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?

I just look at it as a challenge to keep the old truck road worthy.

Every time I have worked on it. I give myself plenty of time and try not to get to upset when things go wrong. So the new front shock feel off after 40 miles. So the new Derale trans pan won't clear the trans cross member. So the rear brakes needed to be completely rebuilt and parts were a PIA to find. So i had to drill out the ignition key to install a new ignition. I can live with that. Having a L.A. County deputy sheriff impound it cause it looks abandoned, now that pisses me off

In order to keep my sanity, I just don't work on it too much. But if you guys think these trucks are a PIA. Try working on a late 70s GM car. My '79 Elco is a PIA and I worked on my brothers '79 Vette, another PIA. In comparison, these trucks are sweet to work on.
'72 GMC custom camper 350/350
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