Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
This was such a timely thread since I've spent over a month just getting mine to be a driver. It has constantly felt like 3 steps forward & 2 back. Yesterday was a real kicker. Noticed the heater core was leaking from the outer housing (which already needed replace cuz PO cut the entire face out to get to the core previously). Figured I was gonna replace the housing, core & might as well change the stat too. Broke one of the stat housing bolts, then broke a nice Snap-On bit trying to drill the bolt out. Decided 35* temps & 20mph wind were enough & I'd tackle it today.
Thanks for the humor & stories. I knew I wasn't alone but it helps to hear about others.
'52 Bel Air 2dr HT - in pieces
'68 C10 - 6cyl/4spd REMOVED, LT1/T56 to be installed
“Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” - Benjamin Franklin
"And those who know what's best for us, Must rise and save us from ourselves" - RUSH lyric (mockery)