Originally posted by Desert Rat
I love it when all paid for trucks,that are a fraction of the price of someones new showroom car that they think is a "hot rod"whoops there ass.Me and my $3500 truck,has spanked its share of newer expensive rides.and its ugly to boot.makes that person hang a immediate right in shame,i love it!!! Congrats on your Victory.Sounds like a blast,and some bragging rights to me!
I hear ya on that...though there's no shame in the QMC no matter who you race or what you race or who you beat/get beaten by...the way I figure it, racing the motorhome is payback for me getting lined up against the 550+hp twin-turbo fuelie 302 '66 Mustang last year...12-second car on skinny Radial T/As...
QMC honors have gone to plenty of vehicles...an '81 Bronco, a Toyota Tercel two years in a row (mister consistency...his winning runs were a 20.08 one year and 20.05 the next, on a 20.00 dial!), and I know the "Damn Truck Thing", aka "Gay Caballero" was runner-up once...hell, maybe next time I'll see if I can't get one of my (step)brothers to bring the Corsica; it'd win the title of "Fastest Car That Should Have Failed Tech".
I really can't wait to fix up that exhaust...it takes money, though...