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Old 04-04-2009, 06:51 PM   #181
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Re: Junkyard Jimmy Super Low Buck Build Thread

It's been a good day. Cool outside, but I kicked the heater on for a while and got the garage comfortable. I got the short block assembly pretty much together. I had one problem on re-assembly. One of the main bearing bolts wouldn't reach the torque number, the bolt was stretching. I found one at the junkyard for a $1.

I need to figure out a fix for the nose of the crankshaft because a piece is broke out where the keyway is for the dampener. I'll add a picture later. I think I'll put a key in it, then make a small piece of metal to fill in the broke area. When the dampener is on, it will lock it all together tight. Or I could grind out and file the broke are so it is square and os some key stock to fill it in. Hmmm, I like that better.

I should have bought the new oil pan from summit while I was buying stuff anyway. I just figured on using the old one, but summit has brand new chevy orange powdercoated pans for like $21. Maybe on my next order. That way I can button up the bottom end completely. The swap of the engines will probably be later in the month.
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