Saturday pics (4-4) A short week...
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04-04-2009, 11:35 PM
see ten
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Lafayette Georgia
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Saturday pics (4-4) A short week...
Well...I don't know if "short week" was the appropriate title for this batch but I didn't know how else to title em. I'm calling it that due to my content being nonexistent. I had big plans for getting up early and going over to Brian's and putting in a marathon push installing A/C on Christy's 54 and then heading out for a cruise-in. I figured a cruise-in would be a great place to come up with some fresh work for you guys. Well, I slept an hour or so later then I had planned so things were already behind schedule. Then a couple hours in to the job Christy calls me crying and cussing (at the same time)! She had just been attacked by a dog while trying to enter her fathers house! The dog had latched on to her leg and didn't release until she beat it in the head. The animal dropped back and had started coming at her again when it's owner came out and stopped it. She's pretty tough and I think she was more scared and angry then phyically damaged. turns out this creature has never been to a vet and had any shots. So needless to say, the police and animal control had to be called in. All of this was followed up by a trip to urgent care for a shot. can see how I kinda got tied up today.
On the flipside, Brian and my lil brother kept on working after I had to leave and had the A/C blowing 38-40 degree air before the afternoon was up. I guess I'd be lost without guys like this having my back!
So, Here's a couple that I had on file that you haven't seen yet. I hope you guys like em.
Thanks guys!
see ten
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