Woooooo I'm typing as fast as I can guys, smashed my finger yesterday and I have a bad hangover this morning
Glimmertwin01, Dan, $80 plus ship for plate and crossmember, no bolts I cut them, Your 3rd in line on it. Pass mirror is bad, sorry. These bedsides are bad, I'll look on a couple others I have around here
Luv, Craig, I don't think the CC is complete, sorry
tcb-1, Doug, they are broke and chipped, sorry
rigon4, your 3rd in line on gas filler, it has some damage on inside, I'm going to get a pic when it quits raining
Jay-Shy, Jason, its there, I priced the whole setup to one guy ahead of you. So your 2nd on it
Blazerman, Rob trade it for the hooks you got off this one

The bumper is yours, come and get it
Nathaniel_85, $40 for console $30 for brackets that plus ship, your 3rd in line on the brackets
Thanks Randy