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Old 04-09-2009, 10:01 AM   #5
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Re: Getting frustrated with this after lowering it

......... the noises stopped after replacing the control arm bushings but resumed after a month. I wonder if the tight new bushings kept the truck from moving enough to allow it to pop. Then, after a month, it loosened up again.

Could be ball joints, tie rod ends or other component as FB72 mentioned. A ball joint or tie rod end develops a ridge from wear and if the angle is enough, it may cause a popping sound when it passes that ridge. At least that's what it sounds like to me.

I fought a nasty squeek for many months that I could not find until I got my football playing nephew (250 lbs) to jump up and down on the bumper.

I need to bring him back to jump on the back bumper. About once a month or so I get a noise from the back going over a pothole. I suspect the muffler??
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