Thread: Wait 4 Me
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Old 04-10-2009, 04:41 PM   #4
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Re: Wait 4 Me
I think, but am not sure, that wait4me does a "standard" tune but you can request specific things to be done. But that might run a little more than the "standard" price.

Here is my review of the tune.

Looks like he has raised the price. Might take a bit longer for it to pay for itself with gas back down right now, but mine payed for itself.
2009 Honda Fit CfC (bsf 44.9 mpg)
2000 Tahoe Limited
1991 GMC CrewCab Dually 2wd, will end up swb, not dually and replace CCswb below
1991 GMC CrewCab Dually 4x4, just going to fix things up for now
1982/1989 K5/GMC Jimmy 2wd
1987 GMC 1/2 ton swb 2wd Crew (sold)
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