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Old 04-10-2009, 05:26 PM   #1
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Location: Willard,Ohio
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'68 on bags, "Shop Truck"

Finaly its been nice out and I've had time to start this project. As of right now I'm going to be keeping the stock v8 and 3speed w/overdrive. (Actualy ran the numbers on the block and found out that its not a stock 307, but an '80s 305).
As far a suspension, I have 4 D2600 w/ SD's front plates and cups. ECE's super track bar and shock relocator. Need to get drop spindles and disk brakes yet, and I have the steel to make 2'' blocks. I need to call SD up and order some valves/tank and such. I also had a guy give me a York 210.

Took the bed off to start on the back. started by taking the shocks off and cuttin rivits for shock mounts and bump stops. After that I got the spring out and bags mounted/w tep. air lines so I can move it around. Keep in mine nothings painted, and I have to go over everything agian, but this is where im at now.

Started with

frame rails are on the axle tubes! Next nice day Im going to work on the track bar and shock relocators.
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