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Old 04-10-2009, 11:03 PM   #5
spinning wheels
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Re: what would u do?

If there is a house or office, go talk to them. If there isn't any house or office, check with some of the neighbors, they might give you the scoop. You never know what you can find out. If you do run into the owner, tell him you were admiring his collection, (never mention "Junk"), and were curious if he had some stuff for sale or trade. What ever you do, don't act like his stuff is worthless and you will take his junk off his hands for free.

Just to relate to you a story. My High School metal shop teacher, used to drive by a house with a '59 Vette parked in the driveway. He drove by the house for years and the car never moved and was showing signs of weathering. He finally got the nerve and knocked on the door. An older woman answered the door, and he asked her if the '59 Vette was for sale, as he had seen it parked for several years and it had not moved. She told him, that he was the first person to ask if the Vette was for sale. People would come up to the door and ask if the Chevy or even if the Corvair was for sale. Always figuring that the old lady had no clue what she had. It turned out to be her son's car and he was in the military, married and had lost interest in the car years ago. My H-S metal shop teacher ended up buying the Vette off her for a very decent price. So you never know until you ask, but be polite when you do.
'72 GMC custom camper 350/350

Last edited by spinning wheels; 04-10-2009 at 11:04 PM.
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