Originally Posted by thelonerife
Thanks Geoff. I couldn't get the hood outside and work on it since we had some bad weather again. maybe sometime this weekend I'll get it out and get something done to it. Thinking about a cowl hood. any pros or cons that you guys know of ??
Hey Chuck....my cowl hood was repop, so we had to do some massagin' to get it to work...if you know what I mean!!!
Originally Posted by 5150
yea, they don't have as much as they used to. There used to be a good 4-6 trucks there at a time. Now you're lucky it there's one or two.
Yeah....the same around here too....but I think with scrap prices WAY lower....not as many are finding their way to the junkyard....which is good...I think....at least they have a chance to survive if one of us see them....BUT, you gotta beat Ron to them first
