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Old 04-16-2009, 10:19 AM   #7
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Re: Best wiring solution 70 Blazer

i bought a blazer last february and it had similar problems. all the wires were fried. I had to rewire the whole thing. I went with a kwik wire unit which had everything i needed the whole thing cost me about 250 i think. it took me a couple weeks because i pulled it all out before i rewired it, and i had never wired anything before so i had to learn to solder. Anyways it worked good and was well within my budget. I had a couple questions as well and i called the guy. the owner was the troubleshooter, and he was very nice and new his stuff. i would recomend them. KWIK WIRE. google it i want to say that they are made by st. wire but it has been a while.
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