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Old 03-19-2003, 09:14 AM   #1
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Desperate-Runing Problem, Can't figure out

I have a runing problem thats driving me nuts.

Its a 350, (came with truck and was rebuilt recently), performer cam, intake, and carb, Summit HEI distributer, headers.

NO POWER. The thing is a slug and I can't figure out why. Never had a problem with a 350. They usually run decent no matter what. The only thing I see is the fuel pressure gauge needle swings or pulses widly. So much so you can't read it.

Occasional problem: After start up after its been run and sat for 30 minutes or so it starts up runs rough, makes a weirdsquelling noise, wont rev and dies. If I try and start it up right away i get a fire in the carb. I have yet to hear a cough through the carb but it must be happening.

Any ideas. Anything would be appreciated. Its no fun to drive.
Thank you
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