Running problem
Well, you opened up a can of worms now!!!..or slugs. I would start in the distributor... make sure any mechanical advance is free, and operating..could be stuck in full advance or any stage there of due to incorrect rotor or installation of rotor. If HEI is older, could just be gummed up. After that, get a timing light on it! Set the initial advance to spec. and try it . If the cam you have is fairly warm, you may need to advance the initial timing to over come any valve lap. Set the timing up by 2 degrees at a time, and test drive to see if your gaining any thing. I've had as much as 20 degrees initial advance on a hot cam to get the responce, and performance. The carb fire!!! Not good ...if it's a holley or similar with a power valve.. better plan on replacing the power valve. Usually a backfire in the carb will take it out. Check and set the float adjustments at the same time. Plenty to start with...could go on all day speculating...such as did the engine builder get the cam to crank timing right??? and on and on. If this doesn't help we'll move on to more fun things Good Luck!!!