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Old 04-17-2009, 12:07 AM   #1
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Issues with a factory tach install???

Ok, heres the deal....I have read the various threads on here and the pther sites about this swap and thought that the clusters after '78 were a plug and play? I have an '83. I did the swap and completed the white face change. the tach works great, speedometer fine but the other gauges I got zippy!! The temp gauge pegs out either cold or hot during cranking and when turned off and while running does a complete 180 and sits in an area that does not read anything. Volts has not mover as of yet, oil pressure pegged out once and has not moved since and the fuel gauge has not moved at all. I'm sure this is an issue that is my fault, I ran a test light to the back of each gauge on the circuit board and they are all getting juice???? I am no electric/wiring guy by anymeans so I was looking for some insight from the vets....what are we thinking??? ground? wiring ??? etc...anything
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