Well this morning after getting off work and I come home to see the truck leaking gas bad. Almost a constant drip. My wife had mentioned that she could smell more gas last night and I knew that the truck has a leak but this is got worse. So I get under the truck at the valve and take off the supply hose. The vent hose is already plugged off at the valve. When I take it off I get doused with fuel. Literally soaked in it!!

So then I reconnected the hose and got out and dried off enough to disconnect the battery cable to prevent anything starting or sparking. Then I took the water hose and washed the gas off the driveway and engine. I'm now waiting on the area to dry and retry. So I'm thinking one of two things now.
Either the pressure is so built up that it's flowing out like crazy and will just need to grab it with a bucket and kill the ant beds and let it finally bleed the pressure off.
My sending unit is constantly on. Now I don't know why this is but it seems like it would contribute to the constant leaking.
I do have return vent line capped but I don't think this would mae that big of a difference