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Old 03-19-2003, 02:56 PM   #2
Project 7dos
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Abilene, Texas
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mine exit in front of the rear tire at a 45 deg. angle. They are hella loud with my 40 series, and I get alot more compliments on the exhaust. I think if you use turndowns out the back it is quieter, maybe. If I had to redo my exhaust, I would still go with in front of rear tires

The good thing about it is the pipe never does bend. It is just straight as can be. Instead of going over the axle and coming back down (alot more bend)

If you want a pic, just say so.

7DOS - 1972 C-10

Ride Low or Die
PSSST - Yes it's bagged.

7dos build thread:
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