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Old 04-19-2009, 11:32 AM   #2
I am a Referee of life.
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Re: I need some help!

I can only answer a part of your questions and keep it at the top.
I had cables that would not move.They were so bad I eventually broke a lever.The levers by the way are made of "pot" metal.When I rebuilt the control I took all the cables out and cleaned them in a parts washer.Then I clamped the end in a vise and used WD-40 and PB Blaster to loosen them and get them to slide in their sheath's.After they were freed up good I left them laying in a drain (full of used oil)pan for a couple days while I rebuilt/painted the controls and such.This has kept them free for 10 years or so.Just some info to help get/keep those cables working.
BTW I occassionally spray a little graphite lube in the exposed end to help keep them operating.
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Last edited by PanelDeland; 04-19-2009 at 11:33 AM.
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