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Old 04-19-2009, 01:49 PM   #36
Formerly- 1972SuperCheyenne
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Wake Forest NC
Posts: 5,782
Re: Not Bad for Spray Paint!

If you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all. If you "pros" complain about this all the time on "the other boards", go do it over there. If all he had was $20-$30 bucks in his pocket and he wanted to do something to change it up a bit then let him be. I think it looks fine and if anyone else has negative feedback keep it to yourself. I'm tired of hearing people with lots of money or better resources bad mouthing other people who dont. I thought this board was here to show our trucks and project ideas with others without having to worry about some jackass beating you down about it.

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