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Old 04-20-2009, 04:41 PM   #24
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Re: Time to fix up Dad's old truck

Originally Posted by Damien View Post
Yes, those are the starter bolts. Take those out and slide the starter forward about two inches, then drop it down. Its very simple. Your carb is a Quadrajet. The choke probably needs adjustment. A carb rebuild probably is not a bad idea because of the age and the time it spent sitting. If you are going to rebuild the carb, you will need the carb number to get the right carb kit.
How tough are these carbs to rebuild? I've done a Motorcraft 2100, which are supposed to be about the easiest carb out there to rebuild, but never gotten into any other carb, although I've been eyeing the Weber 32/36 on one of my CJ's that needs a kit.

As for the starter, my usual strategy on easy-to-replace starters is to go to Autozone and get a cheapie with the lifetime warranty and just swap them out whenever they start acting up. I can pop a starter on and off of a Jeep in about 10 min now in the parking lot. With the solenoid right next to the exhaust manifold I imagine heat kills these things pretty quickly. Is there a better alternative as far a starters go or do ya'll all pretty much do the cheapie/ frequent swap on this engine?

Also, I notice that there are a lot of "shims may be required" tags on these starters. Do they come with the starters, or do you buy them, or what? I'm guessing I should pop the starter on there now and if it doesn't sound right, shim it. Is there a particular way of knowing/measuring to determine whether or not I need shims?
Thanks again for the pointers!

Last edited by Jeepwm69; 04-20-2009 at 04:44 PM.
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