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Old 04-20-2009, 06:59 PM   #40
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Re: 99+up common problems

I just love the claim about "not common problems" hehehehe. My first was a 2000 Silverado Z71, second was a 2000 Tahoe 4x4 and now I have a 2002 Silverado Lt. All had engine noise, steering column slap, antilock premature break wear in the front, premature parking brake wear on drivers rear, pass floor heater vent issues--and when you look on the web----there are virtually THOUSANDS OF FOLKS WITH THE SAME PROBLEMS---coincidence?? And if NOT common problems, then why does GM have service tips and or recalls on every one of the above???????????????
In my humble opinion, the factory WARRANTY is not designed to help the customer but to reduce the dissatisfaction with faulty designs and or faulty manufacturing. They increase the warranty to compete with other manufacturers. GM extended their warranty not because of tolerance issues but because they are loosing market share to others and if they didn't extend their warranty to compete, they would loose even more share. Multiple tolerance failures is a factor of shody manufacturing and-or shody design allowing failure potential. They can design and built it out or they can try to save pennies and allow it to happen then try to buy your happiness with warranty BS. Sorry guys but I just don't buy it!!
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