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Old 04-20-2009, 07:36 PM   #9
Alan's Classic
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Re: Craigslist find: 62 apache fleet sb

Originally Posted by retodd7711 View Post
I'm not faar from you and My experience is similar.
A nice truck is overpriced, while a decently priced truck is usually a p.o.s.
Someday, time and money will fall in my hands for a west coast buying trip.
We took a trip about 5 years ago from Georgia to Montana. Driving thru South Dakota and Wyoming plus a few other states I saw so many cars just sitting in peoples fields. It was driving me crazy not to stop and check them out. Then the fog around my head cleared from day dreaming and realized I was in a minivan and didn't have the fundage to ship anything back. Even if the people would sell.

I was stationed in San Antonio for 8 years. I drove buy a 72 SWB everyday for several years. It had weeds growing up around it in the front yard with trash piled in the bed. I never saw anyone at the house until one day. I stopped and as soon as I got out of the car the old farmer said "it ain't for sale". It's probably a pile of junk now unless he died and the family sold it.
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