Originally Posted by AceX
I'd be weary of the wood trim...
Nothing against your dad wood working ability, but the wood trim really doesn't fit the interior at all. Maybe if you stained it jet black and the proper grain pattern showed through, but I think it would be very hard to pull off and make it match the rest of the truck.
For the speaker box, I'd ditch the shelf speakers (obviously) and just fit the subs and amps inside the box and use the kick panels as your mids and plant the tweeters in the dash corners. Maybe you could make a pod for them coming from the a-pillar.
If you're in the mood for new equipment, I may have a box you can use...
EDIT: I just thought of this, what if you could figure out a way to make the wood grain into flames...? how bad ass would that be...?
do you have any pics of the set up you are talking about?