Thread: Manual vs Auto
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Old 04-21-2009, 12:22 PM   #7
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Re: Manual vs Auto

Originally Posted by swyfor5 View Post
I know it's been done before, but I am researching transmission options. My K5 has the stock 4 speed trans that will need rebuilt for my resto. Plan is to go 1 ton axles and was looking for feedback. I can rebuild the 4 speed, or swap in an auto. Really thinking of going auto, but don't want to change the crossmember etc. Any thought's?
I can answer the crossmember question - you already have an auto crossmember. It is the same as the stick crossmember.
Back in 1972, GM was modular before anybody thought of the term. ALL the transmissions in 4wd Blazers that were in front of a NP205 work on the same crossmember. GM made the difference in length and mounting in the transfer case adapter. They all bolt to the same crossmember in the same place. To swap transmissions you need to get a complete donor: transmission, adapter, and transfer case. The 3 and 4 speed manuals had a 10-spline input shaft so they interchange but the th350 had 28 splines. To interchange the NP205 out of a manual, you need the transmission and adapter that came together from the factory.

Make sense?

Further, you can swap items out of a truck into your Blazer or vice versa. In fact, the th350 and NP205 in my longbed came out of a 1972 Blazer. I removed them myself and installed them in my truck. I used the same crossmember and driveshafts with no modifications.

Don't forget if you do go to an auto you need a different steering column and the shifter linkage. You also need to think about tranny cooling lines.

One of the best things I ever did is put an automatic transmission in my truck. It makes life SO much easier at the boat ramp. Also this past winter I put a plow on my truck. Once again I would hate to burn up a clutch pushing snow around my driveway.

I do miss the "shift on the fly" capability I had with my standard transmission. There are times, though infrequent, that I wanted the lower gear range of 4 low without needing the front hubs locked. With the straight stick I could simply jam the clutch to the floor and shift the case. With the auto in there now I need to come to a complete stop and put the tranny in park to shift to four low.
'70 cab, '71 chassis, 383, TH350, NP205.
'71 Malibu convertible
'72 Malibu hard top
Center City, MN
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