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Old 04-22-2009, 09:00 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: St.Petersburg Florida
Posts: 12
Rough idle, sputtering, hesitating 350

So I had this colossal problem yesterday. After spending several hours getting the timing and idle right and everything else wired properly (The guy I picked this truck up from was one LAZY half-a$$ed mofo), I fired it up this morning, and it was running terribly! It felt like it was missing on SEVERAL cylinders. I puttered it up to advanced and picked up a wireset and plugs. The old wires were crumbling in my hands. 3 of the old plugs were not even FINGER TIGHT. WTF?! Anyways, new plugs and wires (the old plugs looked good, no oil or excessive carbon) and it does THE SAME THING! ARRRRGHHH!! So I pull over and mess with it. I guess I missed the memo telling people that the little beach on the east side of 4th street right at 275 is a known gay hangout. Ever seen a gay prostidude? I have no problem with anybodys lifestyle choice until the try and solicit me to pay them for a "Blowpopper". Anyways, after battling a crowd of gay older men and their creepy sexual advances, I found my culprit. The choke was stuck. It was that easy. For all you other guys out there. Check the choke first if the truck is bogging down or running rough.
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