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Old 04-24-2009, 12:42 PM   #17
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Re: Rochester Monojet Help

Actually they're pretty simlar... Your setup is the way my original carb was. I did some swapping out last year but still have all the original stuff except for the oil breather- must have gotten left behind in one of my moves.

The tang is adjusted so that it has a slight clearance when the choke is fully open. As you engage the choke, the lever pulls up on the bellcrank to increase the throttle opening.

When you push the choke in, the bellcrank should "free fall" to it's normal rest position.. Very simple mechanism, but works great!

forgot to add: on mine, the link pushes the bellcrank down as opposed to free falling.

Last edited by 68gmsee; 04-24-2009 at 12:44 PM.
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