Originally Posted by 68gmsee
Actually they're pretty simlar... Your setup is the way my original carb was. I
Well, I think there's a lot of difference. The curb idle adjustment is different, the fast idle cam is different, and the tang on the throttle shaft is different.
I'm even more confused as to the origins of this carb though. Looks to be cobbled together parts from the original '68 carb and the '72/'73 carb indicated by the number stamped on it.
At least it seams to work now. Best I can tell, it has never worked. No way the linkage/tang has worn that much. No signs of wear either.
Now at least I can get a fast idle to warm the engine up. I need to go through the carb though, as it need a few minutes of warm up before it's drivable, eevn in 80* weather.
Thanks for the help. I feel better about the adjustments. Only carb I know well is the Q-Jet from late 60s/early 70s Cadillacs (divorced choke).