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Old 04-24-2009, 03:39 PM   #24
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Re: Rochester Monojet Help

Originally Posted by ST Dog View Post
Given the truck/engine history I'll never know.
Maybe I'll find a proper carb some day, or better still, a staged 2bbl.
No point in a Q-Jet on a 250cid engine.

Would I need a different intake manifold for a Rochester 2bbl?
Well, actually a quadrajet would be a good one install if you can get a 4 barrel manifold fairly cheap. I've given it some thought and there are others that have done it.

I would much rather go with a 4 barrel than a 2 barrel. The primaries are smaller on a quadrajet and you still have the big rear ones for added boost.

Of course the best way is with a fuel injection conversion, but that's way beyond my means at this time...
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