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Old 04-26-2009, 05:22 PM   #2
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Re: Few problems with an 03 tahoe z71

Check all the plastic line coming from and to the EVAP canister. I should be mounted up above the rear axle with a plastic tube from the gas tank that collects pressure/vapors from the tank and then there is a tube that goes all the way back up the front of the engine. Remove the plastic Vortec cover from the engine and look for a little green service cap. This is the service port for the EVAP system. Just under that port is a solenoid that opens and closed to allow the vapors from the system to be burned off through the intake. A cracked or broken line, a solenoid hung open or a damaged/missing component could cause a lean condition. I can remember discussion about a vent valve or check valve that can get rocks/debris in it and cause EVAP system issues. Unfortunately I can't find the posts about it.
1998 GMC Sierra SLE 1/2 ton 2WD 305 Vortec
-Gibson Stainless Cat Back Swept Side
-SS Wheels
2005 Honda CRF250R
2006 Honda CRF150F
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