Originally Posted by KB71C10BBSUPER
LS6 stuff deleted...
I've talked with a gentleman who worked in the Fremont plant in those years and he said it was not uncommon for the line manager to have a diff motor tossed in at that time either for special friends or?
If anyone has some information. I would like to hear about it. Also I am looking for some old License plate frames from Guardian Chev. if there are any out there.
Thanks everyone for reading my ramblings, and thanks for the site. I wish I found this years ago whe I first Restored the My Truck, But it has been my daily driver & hauler for a few years now and it is time to freshin it back up and put the Big Block back in.
Thanks Again, K.B.
I have personally spoken to people that worked in the Ford plant in St. Paul back in the era when these trucks were built. It was nothing to put in an 'interceptor' package on a LTD. We're talking an era where inventory control wasn't done with RF ID tags and massive computer databases. We're talking a supervisor walking down the line and noticing that there weren't enough fenders on the rack to be installed. Basically if it looked like the spec on the build sheet, you got away with it. Nobody knew you ran it through the paint booth 8 times or put in a cop 390 verses the civilian 390.
That being said, I'm guessing the same things happened in Freemont or Janesville, or where ever these things were built.
The only question I would have is were there LS6, 454 engines in the Freemont plant for installation into another vehicle. If yes, then I'd say it is possible that that truck came with a 454 (looks like a 402 on a quick inspection). If no 454s were in that plant for other reasons then I'd say NO, somebody put it in there after delivery of the truck.