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Old 04-28-2009, 10:42 PM   #13
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Location: Ossipee NH
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Re: My Story 71 short step

ok where to start This has been a mess and a half so far lol

Two weeks ago i grabbed my trailer and headed down to my garage where my pick up was only about 40 min away, I am driving down good old 95 and what else road construction .... no biggie until there was a ton of traffic (i was in the slow lane creeping ) and an 18 wheeler next to me , two seconds later he was on the flatbed trailer he crushed the fender and blew out two of my tires , mind you this is around 11 pm and i love changing tires that late in the cold lol, so i did it and didnt even call the guy a name cause well i was tired and if he was tired as me then he didnt see the trailer, so i changed the two spares i had luckily and got my pickup loaded .

Friday i proceeded to Attempt to register my truck after waiting in the RMV for two hours the pleasant peice of work behind the counter informed me i needed a bill of sale with the title to prove how much i payed for it ... no problem i bit my tounge and waited till i got outside to use obscenities ... i felt better not much but a little lol

so i wait till monday for attempt number two with bill of sale in hand i go to the counter after waiting 1 hour this time i hand her everything with the correct amount on the bill of sale and she fills out her paper work and i see her get the plates i was happy ..... until she told me the price on the bill of sale was not valid and she was going to have to get the manager to look up the nada value i still didnt care i seen my plates and i yes her to death. now i dont know if you guys know what the nada value is for these trucks but it was through the roof she comes back and says my truck is worth $10100 and to register it i have to pay the sales tax to MA of 500 dollars pluss all of the plate and reg fees it came to like 600 bucks. i in turn asked her if she would like to purchase my truck for ten grand , she said no so i asked how can you charge sales tax on a car you have no clue what it looks like or the value it and just pick a number from nada. i told her to kiss my ass and i was going to register it in nh she told me it was illegal to do so i told her not if i "sell it to my dad" she can still kiss my ass oh and the registry can too.

lol now im done with the *****ing

i have the booster column and other misc parts waiting up in nh at my dads so we are going to start on the thing this weekend with the major stuff. i have done a few things too it like changing all the bulbs , new battery, new cd player new shifter fixing the jimmy rigged air cleaner , window cranks and the rest pf the little electrical problems she is drivable once again.

ill give you guys some pics after we tear into it this weekend
1971 c-10 short step
2008 jeep grand cherokee

I used to be into firebirds but got tired of changing floors lol Chevy trucks the only way to roll

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