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Old 04-29-2009, 12:54 AM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Seymour Tennessee
Posts: 72
Hi from Seymour TN!

I'm a new owner of a 71 C10 4x4. She's a big girl. 7 inches of lift and 44 inch interco Ground Hawgz Tires. I bought her a few weeks ago in Kentucky and plan to take it from full time mud truck to part time trail truck part time show truck. Plans include a radio/stereo system, new tires, a nice toolbox for the fishing poles and cheerwine and maybe a repaint/ partial restoration in the future. I really just want to enjoy having a truck like this while i can. Someday i'll get a wife and i hope whe won't make me sell it but that's how i got the truck in the first place (believe me the guy didnt want to get rid of it). I'm 18 and I live in Seymour TN. I go to college for graphic design/ web design and will work at Dollywood starting in a few weeks.
VIN on glovebox says 1972, previous owner says 1971 C10 4x4 Convert. 7" of lift. New 33" Cepek Mud Country's. Thanks to our Vets past and present
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