Originally Posted by kyull67
Looking Great! Can we expect to see it at the All Truck Nats?
absolutely. I plan to bring both the '69 and the '50 to the Nats.
Originally Posted by nuke1
And here i was hoping to see pics, well no good comments this time, will have to wait till the next chapter, lol
I have even more pics now, but my camera seems to have grown legs. I'll see if i can find it yet tonight.
Originally Posted by VA72C10
Looking really good...You're going to have two AWESOME trucks when you're done!
thanks man. I'm still thinking about doing some sort of road trip this summer out your way. I'd really like to find a big show to go to out there.
Originally Posted by Bob 68327
No he won't I have been working on it also !!  Bob
The work bob has helped with is super important too, and of great quality. I'd be really worried about safety if he wasn't helping out with the welding. I can weld, but he's 100 times better than I. I've learned a lot from him too.
Originally Posted by 72BlckButy
Watch it Bob... or else he might throw you in the lake in Kirksville.
Can't wait to see the write up Levi, looks like it is really coming together.
that's if we can get is ass down there... :hint: :hint:
Unfortunately my camera has grown legs tonight, but i'll see if i can find it and post the pics. The long and skinny of it is, there's a lot of things that are now off the list, and even more things that are now "doable" (blue dots can be done now).
The engine is in, trans mount done. Rear end is back together and just needs to be plated and cleaned up. I do have to move one of the remaining cross members, but that should be pretty easy. I called about a driveshaft today and found it to be half the cost i thought it was going to be, so that was some good news. Also found that Fastenal carries the air line fittings I will need. That's good news since they are like 5 min from my house compared to the Frieghtliner shop 30 min away...
So yeah, now's when we get to the last 20% of the project that takes 80% of the time. Wiring, brake lines, fuel lines, batteries, air lines, glass, lights, etc...
I'm not sure yet, but I may be starting the truck for the first time this weekend. Might... just might... have it on the ground too.
Oh, and tonight was my first night of not working on it in quite some time. I came home, made and ate a pizza, and passed out on the couch by 6:30. woke up @ 11pm to take out the trash. Posted this, and now off to bed (after looking for the camera)
thanks for all the feedback guys.
pics to come!