Ken--Yeah, you are right and ouch. I did venture a little from my original thought. I guess this is my version of a more modern truck rally. I wasn't crazy about the centerline option, because at the end of the day I would have paid $2800 for a set of twelve hundred dollar Centerlines only 9.5" wide (unless I spent more to widen them)in the rear. (for those that haven't and want to read more about the "rally"--- So when Jason Rushforth agreed to make my pattern into one of his wheels with whatever backspacing I like (max 10" wide)for a pricey, yet reasonable $3,400 to $3,700(depending on a few options), I got a little excited. I felt like that was a better option. Not exactly like a 20" rally. I thought slightly improved, yet reminiscent enough of a rally wheel to be recognizable. I guess not though, huh?
Plan B- I think you have absolutely lost it if you spend the time, money and effort to do the 6 lug conversion.
There are several wheels available that look very similar to the pics you posted of the factory wheel. They can be had in 5 lug, in various widths, and backspaces.
Look at some of the high end custom wheels such as Fesler, Fiske, Schott...
As far as converting to six lug. I have to buy brakes anyway, right? For 13" brakes I will have to spend $200 more on custom built hubs to convert from mustang 2 spindle to 6lug than the wilwood hub to convert to a 5x5. For the rear: Moser will make my axles for $320 (I'm sure there are other options maybe cheaper-I'm researching-but I'm trying to keep the rearend and gears that I already have). Then depending on some other variables, I may have to buy adapters. So lets say worse case scenario all four for $250. So, money=$770, effort=swapping axles, I think, really. Somebody let me know if I'm wrong about the six lug swap expenses and options.
Now lets say realistically I pay $400 (which I'm thinking of ordering the first one at $255)per late model wheel. That's $1600 plus $770 plus about $300 to widen the rears to 10.5" for a grand total of $2670 (again WORST case).
Yes, I have checked with alot of the higher end wheel manufacturers that make similar wheels. Have you?
This is a Boze Pro Touring
It is so far my favorite aftermarket option mostly because of price. At $3200 per set it's alot of bang for your buck when compared to the others.
This is a Kenisis k29

I love this wheel and think it would look great, but at $5,004 per set definately out of my price range.
This is a Forgeline wheel

Fiske fm10= $5200
HRE=$5000 for 18's!
ZE wheels=$4600
Schott-doesn't make a wheel style that I like. I do appreciate that hidden center cap thingy, but I normally like my lugs exposed-Either way $3400 for their mesh wheel.
Fesler-never heard of them before-interesting, but very trendy. There smoothy styled wheel (903) looks pretty cool right now though at $4778
The more I look at all of these, the more I like the late model option at $2,670 honestly. I think I would pay $3500 for the custom rallies before I pay $5000 for any wheel.
Trav--I guess I didn't explain that real well. That wheel is a Rushforth Fuel. I think he makes a good product at a good price, not exactly what I am looking for though. I posted that because that wheel is the wheel that I would use to make my "rally". Same finish and lug hole design and everything, just instead of it being a five star, it would have my pattern cut into it. The cross-hatched area in the drawing would be like a step notch. Get it? If not, see link above.
Rushforth Fuel=$2600 for 20"x8.5"s and 10"s.
69BBsuburban--I do see your point. I do kinda want to modernize a little with a few other little things too. But things change and trends change. So later if I want to change it, GM made this wheel too if I ever wanted to go back to a more classic look.

They also made this wheel that I think would ok, not classic though.

Now, after all of that, I do have a thing for oemish wheels, but I am not totally against an aftermarket wheel. I just haven't found one that I like more for less money. I think yall probably have a good idea of what I'm looking for.
By the way I would like to apologize now for the novel I just wrote. Thanks for reading.