Originally Posted by oldblue1968chevy
i have a going alternator bearing, so i decided to take the atlernator off my gmc......it looked newer and i was bored....well turns out it didnt work so i swapped back for my old alterator and while i was doin that, forgot to disconect battery so i shorted something out and caught a wire on fire(went from alternator to starter/starter solenoid) well i replaced that and put everything back they way i thought it went...
well i wake up this am with no power to my ignition switch, so i roll it off goin down into the field, and take off for school, wen i got to school i disconnected the pos. so i can start it this evening after school..
so whats my problemo
oh and wen i push the clutch in and slow down sometimes my belts sqeal like a mofo lol
At first I thought you had fried a fusible link, but if you were able to bump start the truck then you had power to the fuse panel and to the key switch. The ignition comes off the key switch as does the starter solenoid power wire (purple). Did you mean that you weren't able to start the truck with the key switch? If not then either you have no power to the solenoid via the purple wire or you have fried the solenoid or worse the starter.
Try jumping the starter solenoid with a screwdriver, short the battery cable post to the S terminal on the solenoid where the purple wire should be connected. Make sure the truck is out of gear and the wheels are blocked!!!!!!!!. If the starter turns then the problem is in the purple wire from the key switch. If it doesn't then the solenoid is bad. IF you hear a loud click then the solenoid is probably good and the starter is bad.
Here's a pic to help.