Re: electrical belt squealing problemos
okay...right now the key is off, batt. is hooked up, it will most likely not start tom. am when i wake up, so i'll roll it off down the driveway...and when i get to school i undo the + (look like i having engine problems, so embarrasing but idc) and get outta school, go crank it the voltage meter reads 7-8 and it barely starts (but its always done that, thats nother problem in itself lol)
okay, that pic up there, ive gotta wire going from the BIG nut going to a lil bolt sticking out of the alternator..thats how it was, would not suprize me if thats wrong, po tried to 'rewire' everything lol
i think the starters good. might be the batt...whats a good way to check the batt. ive gotta atv batt. tester lol and might go put it on the trickle charge overnite and check the wtaer level right now...brb thanks!