Re: 66 slammed hearse
Update.... the UPS man dropped off a bunch of boxes from speedway today, everything I need to get the rat rolling. Steering parts mostly, clutch parts, shifter stuff, some brake stuff, and some fuel system stuff. I will get my picture guy to snap some pics and get them posted this weekend.
We also have our first meeting of the Valve Grinders CC at the local Arbys this saturday night. I am dragging out the Koffin Kruiser to the cruise night. Special thanks to Jared for getting that rolling.
If the life I live dont kill me, then I guess I'll never die!
New updated stuff at
My site still needs help, web guys and gals pm me.
the best guys in the whole world:
sweet70beast, jonzcustomshop, runninlow, captainfab, and the one I havent met yet, joe231