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Old 05-02-2009, 01:14 AM   #1
Gettin It One Pice At A Time
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Location: everett, washington
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a dead horse I know!

Ive been doing a lot of reading. in fact my head is swimming. lol today I got some Naval Jelly and let that stuff sit for about 3 hours today, and got I think all the rust off and to clean metal in places. but, there is a lot of pitting. and I don't have a grinder *yet anyway* or air. I sanded and sanded and sanded with 60 grit before and after. I also found a wire brush and went to town! but the pits are still black. I am trying to keep it from spreading till I can get it done right*who knows when that will be*. and of course, I am doing it on the ultra cheep! earlier today I got some regular primer. after finding out that is not the kind I need. I was looking at Duplicolor Rust Repair: Rust Fix, Ive seen mixed reviews. do you think it will hold it off enough till I can get the money to do it right? or can I just spray it with regular primer and hope for the best? here is the before pic.

I'll try to get a pic of it now tomorrow... the next couple days are suppose to be rainy so I think it will have to wait till it warms up for me to be able to spray. thanks guys... I know,I know dead horse lol

Work In Progress 1979 GMC C1500 Trailering Special.
Getting the truck done, one piece at a time.

“You can tell a lot about a fellow’s character by his way of eating jellybeans.”Ronald Reagan

“I don’t know the key to success but I know the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” Bill Cosby

Last edited by 79gmcc15; 07-26-2009 at 09:50 PM. Reason: update pics
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