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Old 05-03-2009, 05:00 PM   #103
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Re: Post Your Straight Six Pics!

I wonder what CFM that Q-jet has? I know GM Brazil has a Quadrajet L6 intake, but they're running almost pure alcohol down there, and you have to burn twice as much to get the same power as gas. If you look at the air/fuel charts a 292 @ WOT ideally needs 400 CFM. 390 is closest, but after 25 years I've had it with my Holley 8007. I now run the Edelbrock 1404, 500 CFM clone of the old Carter AFB. The AFB design with vacuum secondary only draws as much mixture as the engine vacuum demands, so a 500 isn't too big. But it does run rich. It would be interesting to see what you get with the Q-jet.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
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