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Old 05-05-2009, 05:21 PM   #1
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Loud squeal on startup and sometimes while driving

Working on my little brother's 86 GMC sierra 3/4 ton truck and want to fix this last annoying issue before he moves up here.

When you start the truck up, 99% of the time, a VERY LOUD squeal happens. And it happens usually until the truck is warmed up. Even while you're driving, though, it will occasionally start back up.

The belts are new and tensioned properly. I've read that it could be the fan clutch. Is there any test I can do to confirm that it is or isn't? Just want to make sure before dropping 50 bucks on a new one.

Also, is the fan clutch something that can be easily replaced in under an hour or so?
Blue - 77 Chevy Scottsdale
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