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Old 05-06-2009, 04:47 PM   #8
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Re: Thinking about the 5.3 swap in my 86.

Originally Posted by AceX View Post
This swap is more intensive than anyone thinks. To do it right at least... See if you can't locate a 6.0 instead. WAY more power for the same amount of work. Unless you plan to boost it that is.

There's alot of companies that offer an ECU and adapted wiring harness. Speartech, Current Performance Wiring, and S&P Engineering are names that come to mind.

S&P can get you everything you need to make this much easier, but be prepared to hear your wallet yell "rape." Just the fuel system for my 6.2L swap, is going to be something like $1200...
Interesting, tell me more of how you plan to do your swap, or link me to your thread. If i can get a 6.0 or 6.2 for a good price, it will be mine. They just sold a 6.2 for 800 IIRC with 80k miles near me, if i can get a deal like that ill get a bigger engine. Im hoping i dont have to modify anything transfer case and back driveline wise, because i would hate to have to have drive shafts custom made, if that ends up being the case, ill simply run an np208 or np205 from a th400 with a 4l80e and 3/4 ton axles.
Ill put it this way, ive got a few lawn ornaments

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