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Old 05-07-2009, 01:14 AM   #1
Jerry Jones
Happy Camper
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"New" tool chest...

OK new to me... read on a minute if you will.

I got a very nice Snap-on chest... here is how I aquired it.

My would be sister-in-law (she died in a motor cycle accident a couple of years b-4 my wife and I married) was an auto mechanic. She was very particular of her tools and took awsome care of them. The tools were in dividers and ingraved with her DL. The reciepts for every tool were in the chest.

Karen Died 22 years ago, and her parents (my in-laws) kept them shrined since then. Then on my last birthday they, along with my wife and her other sister decided that the tools should be Jerry's.... WOW, I must tell you, I actually became overcome and shed a tear (or two... maybe ten).

Some things moved over the years, and a few things are now missing, this must be one of the best gifts a guy could get.

Check it out... this is just a sample, and in the move things got shacken up a bit.
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RIP El Jay! Love you brother!
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