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Old 05-07-2009, 10:21 AM   #44
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Re: bed mount question - bent frame from towing?

Originally Posted by joe231 View Post
yeah I realize it is a panel, I was asking him what kind of wood he has in his, you can't assume anything with the rigging some of the po's do...
I didn't realize the panels didn't have metal strip and wood like the trucks.
I'm not sure if you are meaning it to come across as as hateful, Ron, but your post do seem a bit that way. I am only asking questions to try and give the OP help......
just direct answers Joe , so that people do not get confused with to many words.

what kind of wood? I think that he states in the opening statement that he thinks that it is oak plywood

I didn't realize the panels didn't have metal strip and wood like the trucks.
panels are trucks joe, but panels and suburbans take a different floor and mounting structure than p/u's do. they also use metal strips but in the panel they don't form a part of the structure as they do in a p/u. in a p/u they align and hold the boards in place. in panels primarily to just as hold downs or as long washers if one looks at it in that vain,so that the stovebolts that are used to hold down the floors doesn't suck into the wood. the other function of those strips in all the floors is that they are wear strips to allow objects to be slid across the floors so that they do not abraid

I'm not sure if you are meaning it to come across as as hateful. please elaborate Joe on what you mean as hateful, that is a pretty strong word?
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