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Old 05-07-2009, 02:23 PM   #52
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Re: bed mount question - bent frame from towing?

Originally Posted by 4dranch View Post
All I was trying to say was sometimes a long explanation like Joe was giving is a lot better than a short one to folks who are new to working on these trucks. And I don't think I said you gave incorrect information.
I'm sure I'm not the only person on this site who needs the long explanation on some of the hard to figure out questions and situations we find ourselves in while trying to work on these trucks. So for my sake and the others please continue to try and get as much information before answering questions. I know some of you guys may know a lot about these rigs, but some of us don't. And Ron this may piss you off and for that I'm sorry. But when folks ask questions about a motor vehicle that may be someday traveling in front of you and/or your family someday on the interstate I'm sure you would want thta rig to be safe, I know I would and it's folks like Joe and others here who help us out and make sure we do our builds correct. after all it's their reputation on the line if someone gets hurt from some incorrect information.

1st- I was replying to the question given. if you have a question about it or something that you do not understand then all you have to do is ask. only by posing your concerns will the topic expand. you cannot expect someone to write a book for every question

But when folks ask questions about a motor vehicle that may be someday traveling in front of you and/or your family someday on the interstate I'm sure you would want thta rig to be safe, I know I would and it's folks like Joe and others here who help us out and make sure we do our builds correct. after all it's their reputation on the line if someone gets hurt from some incorrect information.

4dranch- one should not take any info given on these sites as gospel. there is so much misinformation . all that you can do is asimilate all the information that you can on a subject and figure if it can do you any good and apply at your own risk
now about the incorrect information
"I know I would and it's folks like Joe and others here who help us out and make sure we do our builds correct. after all it's their reputation on the line if someone gets hurt from some incorrect information.". so here you are saying that I am not helping and inferring that I give incorrect information
that is what your statement says to me

I don't have to be here
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