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Old 05-07-2009, 07:30 PM   #56
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Re: bed mount question - bent frame from towing?

the floors are painted originally.
the split in the floor is from front to back, up the middle. the plywood is 3/4" thick
The discrepencythat I see in all of this is if the prev owner went through the trouble of replacing the floor and painting it all up and such; why did he leave old worn out insulators in there. now you will find out when you go to remove the bolts, esp the ones on either that go upwards into the body as to how they come out. if they hav e been out before than it shouldn't be to bad. why do you want to take it out. if you are just going to change the insulators the only time that you have to touch the floor is to take out the long stovebolts that go down through the mount. you will just have to raise the cross sills from the bottom sides to change the mounts. the small cross sill that just mounts to the floor will have adequate clearance once you replace the mounts unless that there are rust problem with the body sections.
I do have a spare floor that is sitting out.if any one wants to see a picture of one out.
I am also fortunate to have about 20 good insulators. I pulled all this stuff from my ambulance when I parted it only had 67,000 mi. the floor was all covered over.the wear strips still look like new,like the inner fender tubs; they were never touched(still bright new metal)
the only problem that I have seen with the floors is that the metal around them goes bad first
Lewis Matkin who is on the 6066gmc board frequently is a wonderful source of information .his dad did own a gm dealership in the day. Lewis does have all the parts books and understands them quite well

Last edited by padresag; 05-07-2009 at 07:34 PM.
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