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Old 05-08-2009, 05:05 PM   #1
Resistance is Futile
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Mesa,Arizona
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Protrash Re-hash

........ Well everybody, out of shear boredom I am starting my 'rebuild thread'. For those of you who have been around here for awhile you may remember such jems as 'Protrash Contraption', Protrash Hatch', and 'Protrash Dash'. Welcome to PROTRASH RE-HASH.....where Im actually going to finish the original ideas conceived for this truck. Its changed a little bit and some things have been added and deleted, but its going to be here for you to witness. I would like to add that this will not be for the faint of heart: BE FOREWARNED. Hearts will be broken, egos bruised, and people shamed............naw, not that bad, but close

The truck was purchased in 7/2001 and most of the work done so far was done in 2003-4. Ive done some small stuff here and there and collected many parts but let other projects get in the way. Now its time to do it. So check it out as it stands today and I will update when I finish or am in the process of one project or another.
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66 LB >
.......posted via stationary device

Last edited by protrash64; 07-07-2009 at 12:09 AM.
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